
For dough
1. 3/4cup all purpose flour (maida)
2. 1/2 cup chickpea flour(besan)
3. Salt per taste
4. pinch turmeric powder
5. pinch asafotedia(hing)
6. 2 tbsp oil

For stuffing
1. 3/4 cup desiccated coconut
2. 1 tbsp white sesame seeds
3. 1 tbsp roasted skinless peanuts
4. 2 tsp Kashmiri red chili powder
5. 1.5 tsp cumin coriander powder
6. 1/2 tsp garam msala
7. pinch turmeric powder
8. pinch asafotedia
9. 1 tsp lime juice
10. 2 tsp powdered sugar
11. 1/2tsp fennel seed


1.In a large bowl add besan,maida,salt, hung
    turmeric powder.mix everything with
    hands.Add oil and mix the oil with flour        till you get a bread crumbs like texture

2.Take a portion of a flour and press it. It            should be able to hold the shape.

3.Now add water and knead little sift                 dough.

31.In a mixing bowl add desiccated coconut,
    Sesame seeds,peanuts,salt,sugar,turmeric      powder,cumin coriander powder,red chili
    Powder,garan msala mix and transfer            into grinding jar and grind them corsly.

2.Transfer it into large bowl or tray and add     lime juice and sugar,give a good
   Can increase or decrease the amount of
   Sugar and lime juice according to your           taste.

1.Take the dough and cut into 2 equal parts.

2.Roll the 1 part of dough in medium thick       chappati (not to thin or not to thick)

3.spred the stuffing on the chappati. Gently       press it.leave 1/2 inch space and apply             water on that space.

4.Now begin to tightly roll the dough then        join the edges.

5.Cut the roll in equal parts.

6.You will get them with            the pinwheel surface facing you.gently            press each bhakharwadi with your palm
    and apply some water with your finger.

7.Heat oil in a pan,when the oil is hot add
   Bhakharvadi in the oil.fry them on                   medium or low flame. Do not fry on high       flame otherwise the centre remain soft           and uncooked.

8.when one side is light golden turn over           with the spoon and fry other side.fry them
   Until the crust become crispy and golden       and the oil stops sizzling.

9.keep fried bhakharwadi on kitchen paper     towel. Fry remaining bhakharwadi.

10.when it cools down completely. Store in       an air tight container  and consume for 20
   25 days.
