Aamki gutlika mukhvas(mango seed mouthfreshner)

Mango seed benefits
  -mango seed gives amazing results in                lowering blood sugar levels.It is also reduce    body fat and weight.

 1. 20 mango seed.
 2. 1 tsp ghee.
 3. 2 cup water.
 3. Rock salt per taste.
 4. Salt per taste.
 5. Amchur powder per taste.

 1. Collect 20 gutli and allow them to dry for        6-7 days.

 2. Break the gutli as shown in the picture.
 3. Pressure cook the seeds with 1/2tsp of salt      for 3-4 whistles.
 4. Strain the seeds and allow them to cool            completely.
 5.Grate or make long thin pieces from seeds.
 6. Air dry grated gutlis for a day.
 7. Heat 1 tsp ghee in aheavy bottom pan and
     tost the grated seed.
 8. Add little salt Rock salt amchur powder
     And mix well.
 9. Allow it to cool completely and store it in
     Airtight container.
