White dhokla

 1. 1.5 cup rice.
 2. 1/2 cup urad dal.
 3. 2 tsp curd.
 4. Oil.
 5. Salt to taste.
 6. 1/2 tsp Eno fruit salt.
 7. Pinch red chili powder.

 1. Mix rice and dal in a bowl.Wash twice and      sock for 2-3 hour in hot water.
 2. Separate water from rice and dal,grind            them 1.5 cup of water in two batches.
 3. Make batter little grainy.
 4. Transfer batter in a bowl and 1 tbsp                  curd. Mix well and keep in a warm place          for 6-8 hours.
 5.Grease the plate in which you will be               making the dhokla with oil.
 6. Add water in a pan and put stand in the            middle, let the water come to a boil.
 7. We will making dhokla in two batches. So         take half quantity of batter and add salt,
      Oil and 1/4 tsp Eno and mix well.
 8. pour batter in a greased plat. Sprinkle red        chili powder.
 9. Place the plate with the dhokla batter in          pan. Cover pan and steam dhokla for 15-17
     Minutes. check with knife,when knife               come out clean dhokla is ready.
10. Remove plat from pan and when dhokla         become warm slice and serve dhokla with
      Garlic chutney.
