Vagetable cheese pockets and cone

For Filling
1. 1 small green capsicum
2. 1 carrot
3. 5-6 green beans
4. 1 tomato
5. 1 onion
6. 1/2 cup green peas
7. 2 boiled potatoes.
8. 1 cub grated processed cheese
9. 1 cup paneer
10.3 tsp pizza sauce
11.1/2 tsp black paper powder
12.1/2 tsp pizza mix powder
13.1/2 tsp chilli flakes
14.1 tsp ginger garlic paste
15.salt to taste
For Rotis
1. 1 cup wheat flour
2. 1 tsp oil
3. Water
4. Salt per taste

1. Boil potatoes and keep them aside
2. Finely chop capsicum, beans and paneer
    grate carrot cheese and potatoes.
3. Mix all veggies,cheese, paneer, pizza               sauce Salt, pizza mix ,chilli flakes, salt,             black paper powder,and ginger garlic             paste.our stuffing is ready. Keep it aside.

4. Knead the roti dough and make big size          chapaties.

5. Take Chapati and stuffed with veg cheese      stuffing make a square pocket and toast          the Pockets in butter grilled sandwich            toaster.
6. Serve hot with ketchup and green                   chutney.

For veggie cone
1. 2 chapaties
2. 2 tbsp sweet (date tamarind) chuney
3. Veg cheese pocket stuffing
4. Green chutney
5. Ketchup

1. Rape 1 chapati on cone mould and seal          the end with slari . Deep fry raped mould      and let them cool down.
2. After cooling carefully separate chapati          cone and mould.
3. Heal a paan and sizzle sweet chutney and      add the stuffing Wich we made for the veg
    Cheese pocket.
4. Take 1 cone apply green chutney tomato        ketchup and fill hot stuffing and                        immediately serve it.sprinkle grated                cheese over it.
