Refreshing candies

For Pomegranate candy

1. 3 big pomegranates
2. 1/4 tea spoon of black salt 
3. pich of roasted cumin seed powder 

1. Peel pomegranates.

2.take a blannder jar and transfer all                pomegranate seeds into it.

3.blend them until they cruse well.

4.take a strainer and strain the juice in a           large add cumin powder and           black salt into the juice.mix well.

5.transfer juice into moulds and deep fridge     for 8 hours or until the juice transfer into       ice candies.demold candies after 2 to 3           minutes.

6.Refreshing salty pomegranate candies are redy to serve.

For grapes candy

1. 1 large bowl ripe grapes
2. 4-5 mint leaves
3. pinch black salt
4. Few drops of lemon juice.(optional)
1. In a large bowl take grapes and mint             leaves and wash 2 to 3 time.

2.transfer them into grinding jar and grind until grapes crushed well.

3.strain juice with the help of strainer. Add
   Black salt and lime juice(optional)

4.mix well and transfer juice into moulds.

5.Deep fridge for 6 to 8 hours.or until juuce       turns into iced candies.take out moulds           from deep fridge .give rest of 2 t0 3                   minute.

6. Refreshing  minty grapes candies are ready to serve.
